Path to educational technology…

Petri's blog on education and technology

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Alla on muutamia esimerkkitapauksia, joissa 3 – 6 luokkien oppilaat ovat ratkaisseet erilaisia ongelmia.


3 – 4 yhdistelmäluokan oppilaat tekivät energiaan liittyvän projektin, jossa heidän tehtävänään oli pohtia mm. energian olemusta, mitata energian kulutusta (vesi, sähkö, lämmitys) koulussa ja seurata energian käyttöä kotona. Opittujen asioiden pohjalta oppilaita kannustettiin toimimaan koulussa ja kotona energia-agentteina, jotka opastavat toisia taloudellisempaan energian käyttöön.

Osana projektia mietittiin myös miten energiaa voidaan tuottaa. Liitteessä erään oppilaan ratkaisu.



5 – 6 luokkien oppilaat ovat saaneet tehtäväkseen ohjelmointiin liittyviä pulmia. Eräässä projektissa esimerkiksi 6. luokan oppilaat saivat vapaasti suunnitella animaation tai pelin. Ohessa on esitelty erään työparin suunnittelemaa ja koodaamaa peliä.



5. luokan matematiikka ja yrittäjyys – kurssilla oppilaat saivat tehtäväkseen suunnitella ja valmistaa yrittäjyyteen liittyvän pelin, jossa olisi yritteliäisyyteen, aloitekykyyn, ryhmätyötaitoihin ja esimerkiksi kekseliäisyyteen ja luovuuteen liittyviä tehtäviä.

Peli muotoutui lautapeliksi, jossa ryhmä oppilaita pelaa toisia ryhmiä vastaan pelilautaan merkityllä reitillä. Ryhmän tavoite on saada oma yritys kannattavaksi keksimällä 1) bisnesidea, 2) hankkimalla yrityksen tarvitsemat resurssit ja 3) asiakkaat.

Ensin yrityksensä kannattavaksi saanut ryhmä voittaa pelin!



5. luokan oppilaat tekivät välityönä laskuvarjohyppääjän ja laskuvarjon. Tehtävässä harjoiteltiin muutamia käsityön perustekniikoita ja syvennettiin käsitystä painovoimasta. Oppilaat suunnittelivat ja tekivät ryhmänä yksinkertaisia kokeita, joiden avulla he selvittivät mitkä tekijät painovoimaan mm. vaikuttavat. Tutkimuskysymykseksi muodostui: “Mitkä tekijät saavat laskuvarjon laskeutumaan hitaasti?”



Aerodynamiikkaan, voimaan ja vastavoimaan liittyviä ongelmia on ratkottu esimerkiksi rakentamalla erilaisia paperiraketteja ( Tehtävässä oppilaat voivat pohtia mm. tekijöitä, joilla raketin saa lentämään mahdollisimman korkealle.


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Scratch – ohjelmointitehtävä

  1. Valitse ohjelmallesi tausta.
  2. Koodaa kissa liukumaan oikealle ja vasemmalle nuolinäppäimillä.
  3. Muuta liukuminen askeleiden liikkeeksi.
  4. Jos kissa koskettaa näytön reunaa, käännä se automaattisesti toiseen suuntaa.
  5. Mitä muuta ohjelmassasi voi tapahtua? Vinkki: Lisää ääniä, taustagrafiikkaa jne.

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Scratch – esitys Iin Haminan koulussa


Scratch ( on ilmainen ja erityisen sopiva ohjelmoinnin alkeiden opetteluun ala – ja yläkouluissa. Sitä on käytetty ensiaskeleena Javan kaltaisten ammattimaisten ohjelmointikielten opiskelussa, ja sitä on käytetty jopa yliopistojen ohjelmoinnin peruskursseilla.

Koodiaapisen ( mukaan Scratch soveltuu erityisesti 3 – 6 luokan oppilalle ja ScratchJr ( esikouluun ja 1 – 2 luokan oppilaille.

Scratch – ohjelmointiympäristöllä voi luoda 2D grafiikan ja äänien avulla mm. tarinoita, animaatioita, pelejä ja simulaatioita. Ympäristö tarjoaa omien ohjelmien tueksi melko laajan valmiin grafiikka – ja äänikirjaston sekä piirto-ohjelman, siihen voidaan liittää myös ympäristön ulkopuolisia kuvia ja ääniä ja sillä voidaan ohjelmoida LEGO – robottien kaltaisia fyysisiä laitteita. Eräs sen olennainen piirre on, että ohjelmat kannustetaan jakamaan toisille käyttäjille, jolloin kaikki käyttäjät saavat ohjelmaan lukuoikeuden ja voivat tutkia miten heitä kiinnostava ohjelma on ohjelmoitu. Ympäristö tarjoaa myös tuen yleisimmille ohjelmointikielissä käytetyille käsitteille, kuten toistorakenteet, ehtorakenteet, muuttujat, loogiset operaatiot ja tapahtumat.

Scratch – ohjelmointiympäristöä käytetään maailmanlaajuisesti. Tätä tekstiä kirjoitettaessa siihen oli rekisteröitynyt lähes 8 000 000 käyttäjää, jotka ovat jakaneet yli 10 794 037 projektia. Samaan aikaan suurin osa käyttäjistä oli 7 – 20 vuotiaita, 12 vuotiaiden ollessa selkeästi suurin käyttäjäryhmä.

Scratch tehtäviä aloittelijoille



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Scratch ohjelmointia Tietopissa

Etsi vastauksia niin, että luet ensin tummalla kirjoitettuja kysymyksiä. Kun löydät sinua askarruttavan kysymyksen, lue sen alla oleva ohje: Vastauksia kysymyksiin

Scratch – ohjelmoinnista enemmän täällä: Ohjelmointia Scratchin kanssa, josta voit hakea tietoa seuraavin hakusanoin:

Näyttökuva 2014-11-13 kello 22.33.16


: “toistorakenteet”


Näyttökuva 2014-11-13 kello 22.33.40



: “ehtorakenteet”



Näyttökuva 2014-11-13 kello 22.33.25


: “multimedia”



Näyttökuva 2014-11-13 kello 22.34.56 : “muuttujat”


Näyttökuva 2014-11-13 kello 22.36.04


: “operaatiot”



Näyttökuva 2014-11-13 kello 22.37.28

: “loogiset operaatiot”






Näyttökuva 2014-11-13 kello 22.39.15







: “kynä”









Näyttökuva 2014-11-13 kello 22.40.25


: “tapahtumapohjainen”



Vinkkejä pelin tekoon:


Miten voit auttaa toisia:

  • Jos keksit miten jokin kiva juttu tehdään, kerro siitä kaverillekin!

Miten saat apua koodausongelmissa:

  • Jaa ongelma pieniin osiin ja ratkaise pienet ongelmat yksi kerrallaan.
  • Älä siirry uuteen ongelmaan ennen kuin olet ratkaissut (= koodannut ja testannut) edellisen paitsi, jos ongelma tuntuu liian vaikealta. Siirry silloin ratkaisemaan helpompaa ongelmaa.
  • Kokeile ratkaisua toisilla komennoilla.
  • Hyödynnä valmiita hahmoja, ääniä ja taustoja.
  • Pyydä apua eri kavereilta.
  • Etsi ongelmaasi vastaava toiminto valmiista Scratch – ohjelmasta: Tutki -> Animaatiot (tai Pelit jne.) -> Valitse kiinnostava ohjelma -> Katso sisälle. Jos löydät komentoja, hahmoja, ääniä tms. joita haluat hyödyntää, paina Remix.
  • Google hakusana: “game bitmap background” -> Valmiita taustoja, joita voit hyödyntää ohjelmassasi Scratch kirjaston lisäksi.
  • Vie kursori komennon päälle -> hiiren oikea näppäin -> help.
  • Pyydä apua opettajalta.

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Smartphone Application “Dice”

One of the courses I have taken in my current studies was about developing some sort of an equipment that could support primary school students to study mathematics. I chose probability calculus as an area and created replacement for a dice.

Then I thought about how my probability equipment could be implemented as a smartphone (or tablet) application. Check the video below to get an idea about smartphone application called “Dice”.

Well, actually the name “Dice” is a bit misleading name for this application, since the ball doesn’t run to each locker (1-6) with the same probability. Anyway, the app could be used to demonstrate probabilities and with some specific software algorithm it could function so that each number 1 to 6 would be the result with the same probability.




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Simple Animation Tool

An overview of features

Animation Tool Features

The basic idea

Draw figures by hand. Figures can be static or they can move. Animate hand-drawn figures by moving a figure by hand in a screen while application records the move. Application is able to play the move (animation) in a loop. Several animations can be combined by recording a new move on top of existing animation as in the flow chart below:

Animate Figure Flow Chart



The tool might be able to produce something like this, except in reality the animation would run SMOOTHLY 🙂 The context of the animation usage could be that the student is explaining to other student his understanding about electric charge in electric circuit.

Animation Tool, Why?

I have been wondering could simple animations be used to concrete something essential in abstract things like phenomena of physics. Could animation enhance learning? Maybe. According to research animation can support learning for example when it’s used as a basis of discussion between student and teacher. (Tversky, Morrison & Betrancourt,  2002). In one meta-analysis where learning effect of static pictures where compared to animations the result revealed a medium sized overall advantage of instructional animations over static pictures. Factors like purpose of the animation, type of animation (computer-based, video-based) and level of realism of animation seem to correlate with the learning effect of animations (Höfler & Leutner, 2007).


Höfler, T. & Leutner, D. (2007). Instructional animation versus static pictures: A meta-analysis. Learning and Instruction Volume 17, Issue 6, pages 722-738.

Tversky, B. Morrison, J & Betrancourt, M. (2002). Animation: Can it facilitate learning?  International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 57(4), 247–262. doi:10.1006/ijhc.1017

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The Reflection About the Theory Part II

 What are the most important things you have learned during the second (on-line) part of the theory course?

Our task was to write chapter 5 that had a theme: “Ethical issues in education”. These are the things that come to my mind first as a some kind of main learning:

1. What ethics in education means in overall level?
2. Light analysis of several pedagogical models.
3. Getting familiar with some new ICT tools.
4. Identification of helpful knowledge sources in further studies.
5. Benefit of limited communication level with ICT tools.
6. Control of cognition and affect in the context of self-regulated learning.

1. In the beginning of our task I concentrated to create a kind of a big picture about ethics in education. To do that I did some research in web and I borrowed one book that handled the issue. Based on my research I made a mindmap about my view to ethics in education. It helped me in two ways. Firstly, it helped me to focus on some specific details. In a nutshell I came to conclusion that ethics in education or in any other field is simply about two things: Our values and how do we apply them in practice.  As our task was to help a university teacher to teach ethics in education in a “theory through practice” way I think my summary about ethics was well in line with the task despite of possible inaccuracy in my conception. Secondly, mindmap helped me to become aware of several issues that have a correlation to ethics and influence it or are influenced by it. Thinking about ethics made me to notice once again how the things that seem to be familiar from everyday life usually have a complex dependency to many other factors.

Here is my mind map (created by Mindomo):

2. Our (people of Oulu University) responsibility was to concentrate on pedagogical models that the teacher in our task’s scenario could use. I had a plan to go through several pedagogical models quite deeply and to analyze them, the result being a logical reasoning for a model(s) our teacher should apply. Because of limited time I had for this project I had to change my plan. I went through a number of pedagogical models only in an overall level. Pedagogical models included some new to me like anchored learning,reciprocal learning and learning through design.  In the end when we proposed some models to our teacher we did it mainly on emphasizing model’s practicality and simplicity. That’s why we selected a case based learning as a main pedagogical model as it seemed to be a model that creates collaboration, a single case can be executed during one lecture (1 hour 45 minutes) and it can be based on real-life cases.
Overall analysis included some comparison of different pedagogical models. Following picture is a good snapshot of comparison as it tries to show how models (CBL=case based learning, PBL=problem based learning, IBL=inquiry based learning) differ for example from the effort, skills and teacher guidance viewpoint. Case based learning being  the “lightest” pedagogical model among these.

When reading about the models from the web I got an impression that the different writers give a bit different definitions about the same models. For example I think that the inquiry based learning is quite equal to discovery learning and that active learning doesn’t bring much additional value compared to my view about discovery learning. Well, this observation can be at least partly due to use of bad quality sources or even more to my wrong interpretation of them! However, I have at the moment an assumption that the reality in the field of educational sciences (in all sciences?) is that researchers may emphasize a bit different details in same models based on their personal interests and understanding about them. It truly makes a student’s life easier when you define clearly what you are searching from the sources and try to focus only on that! E.g. in our case the goal in the end was to understand the basic definition of several pedagogical models and how they could be applied in university teaching.

3. During this task I used three new tools to me: Doodle, Mindomo and Purot Wiki.
The Doodle was easy to use, but what I most liked in it was that it was easy to see what is it’s purpose. The Doodle is a beneficial tool to identify a point of time and date that is suitable for a group of people to do something together.

Mindomo is a mindmap tool that provides roughly the same features than e.g. Mindmeister tool. As Mindmeister also Mindomo is designed in such a way that it’s easy to start to use it without reading any instructions as long as a user is familiar with the idea of mindmap and applications in general.

The main point in Purot Wiki seems to be that it supports collaboration by offering textual discussion window next to created product (text, pictures, videos etc.). I liked the chat window and I felt that it helped our collaboration. In general I don’t want to say anything too negative about the tool as I haven’t used it too much… I might not know all the good features in it. However, I felt that the usability could have been a bit higher level. For example when I added text to Wiki, and saved the text, Wiki changed the font to something else repeatedly. Also, when I tried to make hypertext links between sub chapters of main chapter I got an impression that available features were limited and quite laborious to use. Based on my current experience with educational tools it seems to me that the collaboration in Purot Wiki could be improved by adding to it a possibility to chat in real time by writing or rather by speaking. Anyway, I think that the tool in general is ok and as it seems to be developed in Oulu area I want to give my applause to developers. Great achievement! It’s not an easy task to try to compete with big companies in the field of software development.

4. One of the educational sciences databases I used in this project is called ERIC. I have actually used it already before. This task made me more convinced that the ERIC stores various beneficial researcher papers that the student can utilize. I want to highlight this experience as the ERIC database seems to be the one that I can benefit in my further studies.

5. One of the most enjoyable moments I faced with this project was at one Friday evening when I was collaborating with the help of Google Docs (used to write a peer review about other group’s chapter) and Skype (used for chatting between people who collaborated) with people in Norway. We had about two hours time to create our review. I was quite tired due to busy week and to be honest not in so good mood 🙂 And now the point: Even though our peer review analysis could have been deeper, we executed it fast only within a couple of hours and I felt that we really did some collaboration. If other people would have seen me, they maybe would have noticed that I am stressed and tired. That possibly could have influenced our collaboration, even by reducing our execution speed. Now, when we could not see and hear each other I felt that we had better possibility to concentrate on the task. That was achieved with the help of educational tools. This experience shows to me that when the number of collaborating people is not too big and when suitable tools have been selected work efficiency can be really good.

6. I was taking several other courses parallel with this project and I made a decision that I shall not put so much effort to this project. With the limited time and energy I tried to pay attention to basics of self-regulated learning. How could I control my cognition and affect such a way that I and my team achieves its goal in this project? From the cognitive perspective we agreed that we will create a simple solution without too extensive scientific analysis and quotations in our texts. We achieved this by using sources that we already had studied in our course.  Another way to execute fast was to copy some good pedagogical practices from our educational technology course. Well, this didn’t produce too much new learning from our task theme, but I think it was reasonable taking into account available resources and the priority we gave to this project. I have to admit that it was a bit more hard to control my affect due to this decision and the result (not so profound article). I was quite tired when the end deadline of this project came closer. And I was frustrated as I couldn’t pay more attention to project. The one main learning for me during this project was to have an exercise in tolerating negative feelings and still executing quite reasonable and efficient way.

What did you think about the implementation (writing assignment, wiki, prezi)?

I mentioned already something about the Purot Wiki. In general I think that the tasks in which the students have to do something concrete by applying the theory they have just learnt is a really good way to reach some deeper learning. So, I think this task was laborious, but good one. Maybe the teachers could think about modifying the task in the future so that the students can select, if they execute the task in a team that consist only from people in Oulu university, or if they choose an international team. That could offer a possibility to choose the level of difficulty based on students’ circumstances.

An important part of the implementation were the review comments by teachers and another group. Even though our team didn’t apply the good comments too much, we still read your comments and thought about them!

What are your thoughts about the collaboration in this part?

Well, it seems to me that no one in our team had reserved much time to this project. So, this produced a kind of a challenge for us. How to achieve reasonable results with a bit less effort? On the other hand I think that to only execute this project till the end already required quite much effort, so big thanks to everyone in our team!

I think the collaboration mainly happened during the meetings we held. In the meetings we for example discussed about the our theme and how we would solve it. One of the main achievements of our collaboration was the creation of the structure of our article. I have to admit that during the meetings I sometimes felt that we are losing time as I had on my mind quite clear idea on how we should execute. Well, I guess other people might have had the same feeling as well 🙂 That’s part of collaboration. It takes time to create a common understanding about the subject.

I felt that our team members could freely choose how much time and energy they put to this project. That was one great thing in our collaboration! Another positive thing was that we quite naturally let people to use their expertise. For example we used various tools in this project and the people who knew them best usually prepared the tool for others. That way we saved some time and executed a bit faster.

Another positive thing in our collaboration was that the co-operation between groups in Norway and in Oulu worked well. This became evident to me as some people from both groups always found some time to this project as the deadlines came closer. The highlight of collaboration to me was the moment when we wrote peer review with Norwegian students in Google Docs finishing in the middle of the night. I got an impression that not all the people had even read the whole article. Still everybody who joined the review could give some comments e.g. by focusing to the details that they had the best knowledge based on their background. We also discussed about the article, shared our views about it and tried to form our common understanding what is the essence and good points in it and how it still could be developed.

Negative thing in our collaboration due to limited time we gave to this project was that we were not able connect pedagogical models to educational tools so well. We didn’t either think thoroughly how do the pedagogical models and selected educational tools really enhance learning. This is reflected for example in the quality of scientific reasoning in our text.

I think the amount of individual work done during this project is depended on how much each individual used time to read scientific and other articles and to think about their application.

What advantages and/or challenges did the online collaboration have?

Well, I can’t really name any big challenges that are clearly linked to our online collaboration. Of course sometimes the tools didn’t work properly. For example the internet connection in Skype meetings sometimes wasn’t good enough. Due to this the voice of some people was difficult to hear or we couldn’t use the video feature. Despite of these challenges I think that the modern technology is so well developed that it provides sufficient enabler to execute this kind of project successfully! The clear advantage is that online work gives more freedom and flexibility to co-operation and it saves time and energy for various reasons (e.g. no need to travel).

Maybe the kind of a problem with one-line collaboration in general can be that when participants can’t see each other physically it’s easier for an individual not to take part to project so much. Another challenge can be that it’s not so easy to come to know each others’ personalities in online compared to face to face meetings and that of course can be an obstacle in collaboration.

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Reflection About the Theory Part I

What are the most important things you have learned during the first (local) part of the theory course?

1. The definitions of three theoretical viewpoints to learning (self regulated learning, collaborative learning, expertise of learning).

2. Encouragement to pay attention to my way of learning.

3. Observation of some factors that enhance collaborative learning.

4. It seems difficult to determine clear causal relations in learning sciences.

5. Right attitude is the key thing.

1. Now I have made my own interpretations of key theories. I enjoyed reading a research summary from self regulated learning. Especially the summary in which the writer described the key elements of SRL (phases and areas) gave me something concrete to think about of my own way of learning and of teaching others. I think the essence of SRL is to become aware of one’s own way of learning and to understanding how (e.g. what learning strategies are appropriate) one can develop his skills. I have discussed other SRL issues that I am interested at the moment here:

One of the things that I remember about collaboration is how it differs from co-operation. Collaboration is a coordinated process where a group of people have a goal to create a shared knowledge about the subject. Co-operation is more about executing a task: The task is divided to parts so that each individual in a group can do his/her part alone. Sub-tasks are then integrated together to finalize the task.

Adaptive expertise is something I truly would like to have as a goal no matter what I am learning as it is about solving problems and executing in a complex (real life) environment where routine execution isn’t enough or it doesn’t bring as good results. Even though adaptive expertise in practice requires longer focus on a specific area and hard work (It’s something that can’t be achieved just like that.) it includes some principles like trying to understand the point of a subject and creative way of solving problems which I hope I learn to apply in my work.

2. Theories have encouraged me to pay attention to my way of learning, collaboration and way of solving problems. Maybe I haven’t found out anything completely new about myself. Anyway, I have increased my awareness e.g. of some strategies that I haven’t used so much. It would be interesting to try them to see how they influence my learning.

3. A couple of observations about collaboration: It’s brings better results when 1) you can speak your mother language, 2) you are in a face to face contact with other people, 3) you know each other well enough, 4) you listen carefully what other people say and ask questions, if you don’t understand them, 5) you dare to speak no matter what you think is the worth of your opinions and 6) there is at least someone in a group who acts as a kind of a spokesman by encouraging everybody to share their opinion and controlling that the group is progressing toward the well-defined goal.

4. I have worked a long time in research and development for software. In software development you really have to go to small details to make it to work. In practice this means for example a clear understanding of the root causes of software bugs (a cause and a result). Having this kind of background it has been a bit difficult to accept the reality in human sciences where it seems to be extremely difficult to determine clear causal relations. This became evident for example when I was reading an article about collaboration research. What are the exact parameters that make an efficient collaboration? Well, I don’t remember details from the article but I got an impression that it’s not too clear to experts either (if we exclude things that almost every one can name by using common sense). On the other hand I happy to notice that research gives clear results like the fact that coordinated collaborative learning is more efficient than informal workplace learning in the case of teacher learning.

5. When I combine theories with my previous knowledge it’s easy to conclude that the right kind of attitude is one of the major cornerstones to learn anything new. This applies for example to expertise of learning. I am sure that inherited intelligence is one factor that enables some people to become real adaptive experts. What about us others who are average Joes and Jills – in other words have an average cognitive skills – when it comes to intelligence? 🙂 Is it still possible to become an adaptive expert? I think it is! According to Hakkarainen (2006) becoming an expert (e.g. a good piano player) is mostly linked with training. He says that after some 20000 hours training any human with normal cognitive abilities can be an expert. Well, maybe this kind of expertise isn’t completely equal to adaptive expertise, but the point to me is really an attitude, willingness or a hunger to achieve something and be ready to work hard for the goal.

What did you think about the implementation (lectures, study circles, exams)?

I really like that the teachers are applying theories to the way they teach. Study circles have helped to train our collaboration skills. As they have been repeated we have had the possibility to go develop our skills a bit further. They have also made evident that the synergy benefit: 1+1+1 is more than 3 in a sense that by discussing with others you really have a possibility to get a wider and more thorough understanding about the subject you are learning.

The point I have seen in exams is that they have encouraged us to read the material to think about it. The fact that there has been some delay between a study circle and the related exam has given us time to develop a deeper understanding about the matter.

Assignments to reflect (writings like this) our learning have been vital as they e.g. encourage think what is the real relevance of teaching to us personally.

I also want to give thanks to Venla for her efforts to send us reminders in an email regularly. How easily a teacher could think that “My students are adults. They (should) know how to study. I don’t want to waste my energy to send them extra messages.” However, these messages have motivated me, since they include an idea that “This subject is important.” and even “I as a teacher care about your learning and I care about you.” Also as I have several other study subjects ongoing these reminders have even helped me to focus on my minor studies.

What are your expectations for the second part (international collaboration on-line)?

Well, I have worked many times in projects where people from several nations communicate with the help of technology. So, basically this project in principle might not bring anything new to me. Let’s see. Anyway, I am interested to learn new things about our subject (How to connect theory and practice in “ethics of education” theme for university students?). I am even more eager to see how other people’s viewpoints shape my thinking and understanding about the subject. Finally, as I am not familiar with Wiki I might learn something about efficient tool usage in collaboration work.


Hakkarainen, K. (2006), Kollektiivinen älykkyys. Esitelmä Mensan juhlaviikon tilaisuudessa 16.11.2006

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Technology Versus Learning

Today’s Iltasanomat had an interesting article about technology visions EU (Golden Workers project) and Finnish VTT have. A couple of ideas mentioned were: human controlled artificial limb by thought, modification of human senses like smell or hearing to the level beyond normal, accurate identification of human feelings and new user interfaces that combine human brain and computer. These ideas might sound abstract or unbelievable now, but they are coming in one form or another. Exciting? Frightening? Boring?

Exciting, I think! However, often when I read about education related technological achievements it’s not so easy to say whether they really enhance learning or not. For example www based (free) dictionaries are great help for me, but it seems that to really remember and use properly new English words I have to study them in a way in which I really don’t need computer and technology: I just have to “excercise” my brain.

Does future technology change our learning somehow? Hmm… somehow I think this question has been raised thousands of times before 🙂 Well, only think about possibility that technology changes our senses (e.g. we can smell and hear better than now). Maybe that might bring something new to learning, don’t you think?


Evaluation of WordPress Blog Affordances

We were asked to evaluate one of the tools we have used in INTRO course from social, cognitive and emotional affordance viewpoint. In this writing I shall evaluate free version of WordPress blog tool ( based on experiences I have so far. If you don’t have energy to read whole story (which is totally understandable ;)) maybe you want to read the concluding words about heart warming affordance related experience I was witnessing just a couple of days ago in Oulu university.

Affordance – What Is It?

My Webster’s concise dictionary (1997 edition) doesn’t have a word “affordance”. However, it has a word “afford” that has for example following meanings: 1) “To have sufficient means for”, 2) “To be able to do, say etc.” and 3) “To provide or furnish.” Is affordance anything close to these descriptions? I think it is. According to presentation of Pirkko Hyvönen’s “Affordances – action possibilities” ( affordance provides any action based relation (possibility) between human (or animal) and his/her environment. So, for example a window in my house offers to me following affordances: I can watch through it to outside world and I can ventilate air inside house by opening it.

To be able to utilize affordance one has to perceive it and to be able to use it. There are many affordances that aren’t self-evident. My wife for example has studied singing for years using several methods. During a couple of last years she has started to use CVT (complete vocal technique) in her singing. She has said that this specific technique has helped her to develop her skills clearly. Well, it’s great that she got to know the CVT. In other words she perceived its existence just recently even though first edition of CVT book was available already in 2000. What does it require to be able to use the technique then? Well, I am not an expert on it but I have understood that you have to recognize your inner body organs, be able to control them and you have to know how their usage is linked with different singing styles and sounds. Phew, it really can require an effort to be able to use an affordance properly!

Utilization of affordances also has to do with our needs, goals and values. It’s clear that a real need for example stimulates us to explore our environment more efficiently to find out how we could use it to reach something valuable to us.

Collaboration is beneficial way to get out more from affordances. How many times have you asked you peer how to use some ICT tools instead of trying to find same information from manual? More complex the affordance is to use more clear is the value of collaboration.

As we (our needs, goals, cognitive abilities, values etc.) and our environment change also the way and the level on which we utilize affordances change. How we perceive and are able to use affordances in our environment is an on-going process.

WordPress Blog Affordances

This is the simple picture I draw 🙂 for this article about WordPress blog affordances. As the social affordance is the key function of the tool according to my opinion, I start my evaluation with social aspect.


The basic idea of the blog is to forward information on any subject to others. One way to clarify blog’s social affordance is to compare it to other media used to do the same thing, namely newspaper, books, radio and TV. The blog seems to differ at least in following aspects from the others: cost, efficiency and freedom. Basically, blog doesn’t cost anything after you have a working internet connection. To be able to communicate in other media is more expensive. Usage of blog also is more efficient from the viewpoint of publishing new message and collaboration. You can publish a new message whenever you are connected to internet and it’s immediately visible to others. Others are able to notice your new post immediately, if they have decided to follow your posting (a feature in WordPress blog). Thus, others can respond instantly to your messages. So, the blog enables real time collaboration. In the case of conventional media (like newspaper) publishing takes longer and commenting original writing takes even longer even participants would be eager to communicate right away. Also there is much less control of the content of our blog writings compared to other media. In others there usually is a person in some role (e.g. chief editor of newspaper) who reviews anything that is offered to be published through the media. Reviewer thinks for example about following aspects: Does the article arouse interest? Is it profitable to publish it? Does the article fit to the general style, goals and values of the media? One great thing about blogs is that you can publish almost anything no matter how insignificant your input is for mankind! Of course there are some rules with internet communication as well especially ethical principles. Actually, there can even be some control by blog provider, but as most people are aware of ethics to a reasonable level you could think of communicating by them totally freely.

Of course the blogs aren’t a “silver bullet” improving social activity in all aspects. Even blog provides possibility to discuss efficiently so that people from any part of the world build their comments on top of each other (an enabler for deep learning and innovation), it’s not self-evident that they will do that. Communication is still between humans, humans who have free will, different interests and resources. Kind of a problem can be that people don’t find your blog or they don’t find it so fascinating that they would like to participate. Of course they still can read each other’s posts but that wouldn’t be real communication.

Still another problem or a challenge with this web 2.0 culture (where people are encouraged to create their own content instead of reading ready made books, web pages etc.) is that amount of information keeps on growing. Every new blog post is like a message in a bottle drifting in a huge sea. Who can find it and benefit from it or add its value by commenting it? It seems that something else is needed as well than sending a new post to blog. People have to interact normally with each other or they have to be known in some other way (e.g. from media). More interesting, competent, useful, rich of ideas etc. people find you more probable it is that they want to follow your blog not to mention real collaboration with you. To make blogs truly social some face to face kind of communication seems to be needed. Maybe the conclusion again is that any ICT tool is just a tool that supports normal human conduct like social activity. On the other hand to arouse people’s interest in blog writing some summarising might help! Maybe I should also think more carefully what is the essence of my thinking regarding each topic and to write just it (not stories like this ;)). Obviously some intelligent humour does help as well, maybe even poetry and beautiful and meaningful pictures of course plus strong scientific argumentation when there is a need for that … I have to admit that ability to write good stories requires skills of their own and that requires practice, right?


Writing itself (that can be executed with or without blog) is a valuable way to externalize one’s thoughts, notice inaccuracies in them and to develop them.

To be honest one of the things that have motivated me to write articles like this is that I have noticed them to train my English. Isn’t that something that has to do with blog’s cognitive affordance? Well, modern blog platforms like WordPress have to offer a lot more. It’s easy to add pictures, videos, simulations, mind maps and other content to blog. That makes blog content more rich than conventional sources like books and newspapers. This possibility gives a good support for understanding material more thoroughly. It’s also so easy to add links to various sources in internet to blog writing that amount of information is huge compared to conventional media. With techniques like RSS feed all the information in the blog writing can be kept up to date as well.

Another question is that how these fancy techniques web 2.0 and like offer have to do with deeper learning? Actually, I have experienced quite often that after I have read some internet articles I don’t really remember too much from them. Often reading them is a sort of entertainment or like eating a junk food. Of course the motive or a goal to read something has to do with the result. Maybe one remarkable point in blog kind of sources is that they can quickly raise ideas or interesting thoughts that can be later developed with or without ICT.


I already mentioned good usability. WordPress blog really offers an easy way to start to write stories with showy look. That is really enjoyable! When I started to write my first blog (not a long ago) I had a kind of feeling that I have now updated my competence to 21th century. That gave me pleasure as well. I think one great thing about blogs that surely also has to do with emotions is that they are useful way to communicate with our loved ones, if you are e.g. living longer time abroad. It’s so easy to write about your experiences, add pictures and other stuff, publish that “envelope” to several family members and close friends and to let them to communicate with you, great!

During minor studies in educational technology I have heard more than one student saying that it has been a pleasure to read other student’s blogs. I have had that same experience more than once. That has happened especially when I have come to know these people a bit more closely. After that their writings have had more meaning to me. Another thing that has to do with emotions when I have read other blogs is that I have agreed on many opinions of others. That for example have helped me to think that I might have made just right conclusions about certain things, which is encouraging.

Actually it seems that I am thinking other persons when I am reading their blogs. That (positive emotions their writings produce in me) partly moves me to discuss with them afterwards in the lectures. This brings me back to social affordance of the blog.

Social, cognitive and emotional affordances of the blog seem to interact with each other by cultivating each other somehow in a process kind of manner… Well, I think that might have to do with the process of learning!

When I think about blog it doesn’t bring to me only positive thoughts and emotions. The kind of a key question to me is how I apply blogging to my personal life so that it’s meaningful? If I would start to concentrate too much on the latest technology (e.g. How do I keep my knowledge up to date with it all the time so that I can utilize it fully?) or in all the “important” thoughts and ideas that the internet  is full of, I would become distressed. That really has happened to me every now and then especially in my previous career when I was working in software development business. So, with this the blogging I try to concentrate on simple benefits like getting to know how it can be utilized as a teacher to support learning, how it can support more efficient communication, how can I have fun with it and such. In other words I see blogging as a small part of a huge puzzle called “my life” and try to give it a priority that it deserves.

Concluding Words

There is a certain lady studying in Oulu university. She is disabled sitting in a motorized wheel chair and it seems she can’t really use her hands. She might have some other restrictions as well. She has a black big dog as an assistant and a human assistant as well. Just a couple of days ago I was walking in University corridor when I noticed the lady and the dog. The lady’s coat was in dog’s teeth and the dog was dragging the coat quite heavily away from the lady. That looked quite strange like the dog was really doing harm to lady. For a second or two I was thinking should I go to help the lady. Then I understood that the dog was doing what it was trained to do: To take the coat off from the lady. What a beautiful example of affordance I would say!

Ps. Here is a link that offers more real life examples on how dogs can help people in their every day life I guess dogs (and many other animals as well) are so smart that the training of them is not even that huge work!